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Mississippi river pearls are natural pearls found in clams harvested from the Mississippi river. They occur naturally when something organic (leaf cutting, bark, fish scale) becomes imbedded in the clam and begins an irritation. The clam responds by creating nacre (mother of pearl) around the organic substance to smooth the irritation. This will continue throughout it’s life time. They can grow quite large, although usually not round.

Lake Pepin pearls are simply Mississippi river pearls that were found in clams from Lake Pepin, a natural widening of the Mississippi river.

Both locations harbor clams that produce a natural pearl both unique and beautiful. Each pearl purchased from local clammers has an individual hue, shape and luster not found in cultured pearls. Mounted in rings, pendants, and earrings of your choice, Mississippi pearls/Lake Pepin Pearls will become treasured keepsakes.

Clammers harvesting these shells from the Mississippi for the button trade would occasionally find pearls, or slugs, and would sell them to pearl buyers from New York and also Europe. The natural river pearls occur in all shapes, sizes and colors and are treasured for their extreme luster. Pearls have been a favorite gem since ancient times. Their appeal is universal. Native Americans of the Upper Mississippi River Valley were wearing pearls in necklaces and other ornaments when the early French explorers arrived.

filmstrip of 3 images of Mississippi river pearls
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